Case Study: Parents Meet at Karimpur School – Project “Learn to Read”
By Krishworks Technology and Research Labs Pvt Ltd

The following were the objectives of this meeting :
- Create a general awareness among the parents about the Learn <to> Read Project; the benefits of the program and why is it necessary for the students to be a part of this program.
- Help the parents get a feel of the day to day class activities of the program.
- Get live feedback from the parents on how this program is improving the learning capabilities of their kids.
- Demonstrate in front of the parents few student performances showing what the students have been taught in the past few months.
- Reward students with Certificates for excelling in various categories.
Awareness Program
The Program started off with an introductory speech by the Head-Mistress of Karimpur Girls School, Mrs Indrani Sikhdar. She spoke to the parents about Learn To Read project, Indus Net Foundation and Krishworks.

Workshop for the Parents
In order for the parents to get a feel of what exactly goes on inside the classroom, how their students are taught, what makes the learning fun and engaging we had organised a small workshop for the parents. The workshop was organised by the teachers from the Learn <to> Read project. Parents took part in phonics activity and video comprehension activity. While the parents enjoyed taking part in these activities, the students were more eager in taking part in these activities and we were prompted by out of the turn answers when questions were asked to their parents.
Demonstration by the Students
Although we had received names of more than 100 students who wanted to perform in front of their parents only a few students got the opportunity due to shortage of time. Students performed on “Interaction Activity”, “Self-Introduction Activity” and “Reading Activity”.

The Feedback Session
Parents were requested for feedback on the Learn <to> Read project, they were asked specific questions on whether they saw any change in their daughters after the start of the program, is this program benefiting their daughter and if they want this program to continue. Parents are happy about this program, everyone agreed that their daughters are getting loud and confident because of this program, they are able to read English Passages better these days. One of the parents informed us that her daughter is highly interested in this program, she reads books and if she gets stuck she uses google or dictionary to find the meanings of unknown words.

Speech by the Teachers of Learn To Read Project
Teachers shared their experiences in front of the parents; how this program has helped them to learn about the new methodologies of teaching and how privileged they feel to be a part of this project. They feel satisfied to be able to bring a change in the lives of their students, they are happy to see their students progressing gradually.
Speech on Behalf of Learn <to> Read Project, Indus Net Foundation, and Krishworks
Subhajit Roy, Co-Founder of Krishworks spoke to the parents on behalf of everyone involved in this project. Parents were made aware of the aims and objectives of the project, they were made to understand the importance of sending their daughters regularly to school and also to inform the same to those parents of girls who are not regular to school.
Distribution of Awards

Certificates were awarded to the students to reward as well as motivate them for their future classes. The certificates were awarded in the following categories.
- Being Loud and Smart in the class
- Happiest Student in the class
- For being the most helpful student in the class
- For having the best attendance
- For scoring the highest marks
- For being the most active student of the class
- For being one of the most promising students of the class
- For having the best communication
- For having the best handwriting
- For being able to read the best in the class

We especially honored the parents of the students with the best attendance by giving them a bouquet of flowers in front of everyone in the audience.
Conclusion – Felicitation of Teachers
Our Teachers are our last mile implementers. The program concluded with Krishworks felicitating all the teachers on behalf of everyone involved in the Learn <to> Read Project.